Nifty Project Management Software

Nifty Project Management Software

What is Nifty PM

Nifty is a project management platform where users can work on complex projects with multiple team involvements. The nifty app improves team productivity by combining all-in-one features in a single platform. The software allows you to manage tasks with the list, Kanban, Swimlane, Timeline, and Calendar view features. With the tool, you can integrate with Google Calendar, and easily organize, track, collaborate, and share documents and files. 

The Nifty software also supports Android and IOS.

The Nifty software is very flexible. You can use it for Agile Development, Digital Agencies, Marketing and Sales, Legal Case Management, Operations, etc.

Features of Nifty software


The nifty platform gives the possibility to customize the dashboard according to your needs. Each project member can arrange their project home screen to fit their role and needs in a project.


Task Management

With Nifty software, you can Organize, prioritize, and manage tasks with a high level of detail. The nifty tool can help you track all your task assignments and activities through the projects. You can manage all the task’s priorities, and sort by deadlines with the section called ‘My Work’, so you will not skip anything related to your work. You will always be aware of how much time you spend completing your work. Nifty software includes a filter to organize tasks by due dates, task assignees, and visual Milestones that will help to see the current progress of the projects.

Nifty Project Management Dashboard

With the Nifty app, you can automate task assignments. When a user is assigned to a task list, it will automatically be assigned to every task on that list.

There are several screens where you can manage tasks with the platform, such as:

Kanban view

With the Kanban view, you can easily organize, collaborate, and prioritize work while easily managing feedback and deadlines.

kanban view

List view

The list view can help you customize, group, filter, and perform bulk actions.

list view

Swimlane view

With the Swimlane view, you can pilot objectives more efficiently by intersecting project milestones and tasks using the swimlane view.

swimlane view

Timeline view

With the Timeline view, you can better plan your projects, keep the timeline track, and never let anything fall through the cracks.

timeline view

Calendar view

With the Calendar view, you can plan daily, weekly, or monthly tasks with Calendars. The platform includes drag-and-drop features for faster scheduling of any task.

calendar view

Time Tracking and Reporting

With time tracking you can Improve productivity, track costs, and balance team workload.

With the Nifty platform, users can track time on tasks to stay on top of their workloads and billable hours. Users can view the detailed logged hours broken down by projects and tasks with custom date ranges. You can get instant reports for detailed projects and tasks. This will help users to know where to allocate users and balance workloads using real data.

The nifty tool allows users to export timesheets. Users can Print timesheets, export them as a . CSV, or download them as PDF files.


With Nifty Project management, you can share ideas, collect feedback, and take action in real-time. The Nifty platform helps you access and share files from your desktop, Dropbox, or Google Drive with others, and organize file storage on the platform. This feature will speed up the working time by which you can create tasks directly from the discussion and add them to the to-do list.


The tool allows users to connect with different platforms, such as:

You can easily switch your projects from Asana, Jira, Wrike, ClickUp, Trello, and Basecamp to Nifty PM.


Nifty offers five pricing plans:

  • Free plan: Best to get you started.
  • Starter plan: $39 per month, billed annually
  • Pro plan: $79 per month, billed annually
  • Business plan: $124 per month, billed annually
  • Unlimited plan: $399 per month, billed annually


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