Juro contract automation platform

Juro contract automation platform

What is Juro

Juro contract automation platform

Juro is a contract automation platform that helps users manage their contracts in a unified workplace. With Juro, you can easily create, approve, sign, and execute contracts. You can increase your productivity, speed and reduce time during work. Juro is a no-code contract editor, easy to use. You can capture contract data in each phase of the process from the contract creation, negotiation, decisions, and signatures.

You can run reports according to fields and tags that will help you to identify the contract risks. It also includes the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and advanced search.

Juro is a cloud-based solution with the possibility to integrate with other tools such as: 

Juro serves Legal, Sales, HR, Procurement, and Operations teams at businesses of all sizes.

Features of Juro software


Juro has customized dashboards and a friendly interface.

Juro’s platform is easy to use and navigate. The platform provides a notification system where users can follow deadlines.

Template editor

Juro is a flexible platform, the browser-native editor that you can build and automate legal documents without writing a single code. With the drag-and-drop features, you can edit complex documents much easier and faster. You can create draft versions and comment with the team over time. The platform allows collaboration and multiple editing files from the team.

With Juro, you can share documents and view the action taken on contracts from the teams. You can give the limited time for action, and a timeline of changes, and you can lock the document for emergency purposes.

With the template editor, you can instantly generate and send multiple documents for approval with a couple of clicks. Even if you have a document in Word, PDF, or Google Docs, with a drag-and-drop function you can continue working in the Juro Template editor.

Approval Workflow

Juro’s approval workflow helps teams to close contracts faster. Conditional approvals make sure the right people see the right contracts. Juro platform is mobile-friendly friendly gives the possibility to approve and auto-resend from any device.

The unique timeline can track who viewed and approved the contract and the actual approval date, creating a robust audit trail in case of disputes.


Negotiate contracts in Juro’s flexible, browser-native editor, instead of switching between several systems.

Comment and suggest in Juro’s editor while keeping control over internal and external versions.

  • Split internal & external versions
  • Automatic redlining
  • Commenting & suggestions


Juro signatures can be added directly to the document you have been editing. With the Juro platform, you can embed eSignature, you can type signature, drawing pad, or mobile.

Juro enables you to build signing waterfalls for your authorized signatories without engineering support or setup costs.

Renewal reminders

For key contract milestones or renewal deadlines, auto-alert your team well in advance – without cluttering their calendars.

  • Granular access controls
  • Consolidated document records
  • Add tags and fields to documents


Juro also provides third-party applications to help automate the process, such as:




Google Drive,



There are three plans: Lite, Team, and Scale.

The prices are not provided by the vendor.


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